Take A Hike

Part Ten

Walking or hiking each day is an easy, inexpensive, and fun way to keep moving.  We know that moving and being active are important ways of keeping healthy.  After Dan’s heart attack this summer, his Doctor told him to walk at least 30 minutes a day, and he does.  Dan makes sure it is in his daily schedule.  

Walking can be done right outside your door and in almost any weather conditions if you are brave.  I have done some winter walking in the neighborhood and it is amazing how peaceful it is during those winter months.   You can hear the birds sing, and that can lift your spirit.  

We are fortunate because we have hills in our neighborhood.  What do you expect when living on Kilimanjaro Drive?  Then we walk to Shasta, Blue Ridge, Alleghany, and Adirondack.   It is a great workout.  

Many times Dan and I walk together if our schedule allows it.  Then we talk and share about life; a bonus to our exercise.

We are blessed to have so many wonderful state parks in Iowa.  When we can, Dan and I  get out and hike to discover Iowa’s beauty.  We would love to go to all of the Iowa State Parks someday. 

The autumn weather pulls you into hiking with colorful leaves falling around you. The air is crisp and cool.  As I write this, Dan and I just finished a little getaway in Minnesota where we did some hiking.  A fall hike is always in our October schedule.  A few of our favorite state parks for fall hiking are Backbone State Park, Pikes Peak near McGregor, and Wild Cat Den near Muscatine.  

When Dan and I plan a vacation it is all about hiking.  Hiking takes you to places that a car just can’t go.  You hike to vistas that are only seen this way.  Maybe it’s a waterfall, or a quaint Alm in the mountains to get a bite to eat. Being in nature, I feel God’s handiwork all around me.   This is my happy place.

Like all forms of exercise, it will take planning and dedication.  But with that comes better health. Being in nature, on a date with your spouse, and being surprised by God’s beauty will enhance your well-being.

How about planning a hike today?

God’s Word-Psalms 19:1-3

The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.

Hiking Wildcat Den State Park-2010


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